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York Chocolate Stout, Rudgate.

Brewer: Rudgate Brewery Ltd

ABV: 5%

Aroma: Roasted, Earthy, Malty

Style: Chocolate Stout

Awards: CAMRA Scotland, Aberdeen and North East Beer Festival 2016 - Winner

CAMRA Speciality Beer, York Beer Festival 2012 & 2014 - Gold

So tonight I am sampling a chocolate stout from Rudgate Brewery, based in Marston, York and I have to say I've been looking forward to trying this one. Rudgate have produced some stellar ales over the years like 'Ruby Mild' so I am very much intrigued by this stout which has won a few awards of its own.

The bottle is simple and doesn't leave much to the imagination, no quirky label to entice a potential drinker here! Now it has to be said that chocolate stouts, much like the Sticky Toffee Ale my right honourable drinking friend Clarkey tried back in July, have a certain niche market and are frankly, not everyone's cup of erm, beer. Having said that, in my experience those with a thirst for the unknown are often left pleasantly surprised.

Upon opening and beginning to pour the stout, I notice a lot of carbonation which produces a large head. After letting it settle I take a sip and immediately sense the distinct chocolate flavour. This is the opposite to the aroma which only has a vague smell of chocolate and is more roasted, earthy and malty. In addition to the the overwhelming chocolate taste, there is a hint of fruit and caramel. The flavourings would point towards either an earthy Chinook hop being used or potentially the ever popular Cascade hop which is used widely in the production of milk stouts.

There is a deep strong taste to the stout which may be slightly bitter for some. Predictably, chocolate malts are used to give both the colour and flavour of chocolate stouts. Needless to say, chocolate malts are lighter than black malts, which typically provide stouts with their distinctive dark colour, whilst helping to offset the bite that black and roasted malts give you.

All in all, I find this chocolate stout satisfying to drink, although I couldn't drink too many of these due to the overt sweet taste. It is my belief that many would probably find this stout too bitter to enjoy as an everyday drink. I would say this stout is best drunk with gamey food, strong cheese and desserts. Based on this review, I will score Rudgates Chocolate Stout 3/5. Join us again next week for Clarkey's review.

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