Pistonhead, Full Amber Lager
Hello and welcome, here is our first review. Remember, we are complete amateurs. We won't necessarily be going into the finer details of the brewing process of the beers, We want to focus on what we see, what we taste and what we think of the beers sat in front of us. There will be one review a week, to start with, so keep an eye out for updates.
There are two of us posting these reviews. Me, Mat (Clarkey), and Alex. I'm going first, so be nice.
Without further ado, it's on to the review.

Beer: Pistonhead, Full Amber
Brewery: Brutal Brewing, VÃ¥rby, Sweden
Type: Lager
ABV: 6.0% (2 UK units)
Cost: £1.79 (330ml can, Tesco)
Awards: -
An amber lager from a dedicated craft brewery in Sweden, I didn't really know what to expect from this little brass coloured can. The description told me a dark, full bodied brew with a spicy, citrus edge and a bitter twist. Well, that's nearly what I got.
After popping the can open and pouring it into the glass, the dark Amber colour was an immediately pleasing sight, this wasn't going to be just another lager. As it settled, the foamy cream coloured head gradually dissipated and the brew became a little darker still. Surprisingly, in a quirky contrast to the colour, it had a light floral sent but, true to the description, there was the citrus hoppy edge.
One good swill later, the first taste on your buds is quite bitter, almost woody. Not by any means unpleasant, but straight away painted a picture of the Swedish forests in the mind eye, maybe that's just me. As it sat on the palate, the citrus flavour, from the mix of hops (citra and cascade), came through. The spiciness did not, but I was happy with that. It was smooth, with a little citrus bite.
This beer can be drunk as a quick pint after work with colleagues, although keep an eye on that 6.0%. The colour suggests it could be a heavy brew, but it is not as heavy as you may think and you will feel the effects quicker than your standard pub lager. Or you can have a few down the pub with your mates, you can be less wary of the 6.0% then. I definitely recommend this beer for lager and ale drinkers alike. It's easy to drink for the lager lovers, has a depth of flavour for the ale drinkers.
Find yourself a deck chair, sit under the trees on a sunny day, by a river, with your feet in the grass for maximum Swedish authenticity. If you can't do that, just crack it open and enjoy.
Rating- 3/5