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Siren Craft Brew, Undercurrent

Brewery: Siren Craft Brew

Brew: Undercurrent

Type: Oatmeal Pale Ale

ABV: 4.5%

Siren Craft Brew. Drawing inspiration from these enticing melodic mythical beings, Siren aim to entice you into their beers. To be enjoyed “as wine drinkers enjoy the finest wines”.

Now, I am not a wine drinker, not really, but I’m pretty sure that wine drinkers look for the same kinda thing as beer drinkers, just when they do it it sounds a bit poncey.

Siren have crafted four ingredients, as they do for all their beers, into Undercurrent. An Oatmeal Pale Ale (OPA), which is a pale ale made with oats in the process. Simple.

The label on the bottle has a portrait of a beautiful lady (Siren) surrounded by heads of wheat, hops and what looks like bubbles at first, but this turns out to be fruit.

Undercurrent, Siren say, is a bold, nutty, bready brew with a smooth, silky cream body. There should be a spicy citrus and floral edge to it. This beer sounds like it should be enjoyed in a beer garden on a British spring day! You know, like the ones last weekend…I buuurnt, proof Brits are not prepared for sun! But this beer might me.

The colour of a golden loaf (not me, I’m the colour of a lobster), but thankfully not the constancy and with a fluffy white head. As you lift the glass you get a nose full. The smell of grapefruit hits hard and there is a lighter smell after, not sure what of, but it was fresh.

More hoppy than expected. The smells of citrus made me think the taste would have more of a fruity vibe. It’s quite a contrast to the smells. Harder, more nutty. Undercurrent brings the sensation felt when fresh baked bread is in the air. There is a yeast flavour at first with the nuttiness working its way through, bringing a deep element to the proceedings, yet overall the taste still remains light.

It sits on your tongue with a tingle. I don’t get the creaminess they talk about, it is smooth, it is refreshing, not creamy.

The bold, hard hitting flavour was not what I thought this beer would hold. There is a silky smooth element, followed by a tangy “spice”. This “spice” does not ruin the beer, if you want a pale ale with solid taste, Siren deliver.

Undercurrent is a great brew that does not shy away from its’ flavours. With each mouthful a slightly new dimension is revealed. Yeasty, nutty, spiced. It’s a light, full flavoured ale that is easily made to disappear and worth seeking out.

Rating 3.75 / 5

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